DéDannan Door & Window Parts

DéDannan Door & Window Parts

Patio Door & French Door Parts

Patio door and French door parts and accessories.

Problems with rollers preventing a patio door from opening and closing correctly can be solved through replacement rollers. We can sort out problems you may be having with the rollers on your patio doors regardless of whether they are uPVC or vinyl, aluminium or wooden.  Sagging frames can wear rollers, and this may require rebuilding of the header in extreme examples. It is best to have these problems looked at as soon as possible.

What is the difference between a patio door and a French door? 

A French Door opens out and has hinges, they have two doors that open.  A patio door slides on a patio roller and track, the choice between the two is personal, and each person can choose what suits their needs, the patio door slides so gives extra room in the room and outside, with no doors opening out, the french doors open out and two can make a good wide exit, but they take space outside to open and require a wind restrictor to stop the frame getting damaged.

D'Best sliding patio doors are perfect for access to patios or decking, for conservatories, porches or for outdoor offices and garden rooms Online French door Designer Ordering French Doors online